Welcome to The Community Calendar
Shoreline Community Events 2024
Sponsored by Hollis Ford, Robie Street at Juniper Street, Truro, NS
Monday’s: Maggie’s Place Family Resource Centre offers a FREE Playgroup, 10:00-11:30am from September to June; Great Village at the Faith Baptist Church Hall. Playgroups are a fun, FREE play and social time for parents/caregivers and their children from birth to school age to enjoy together. Each session consists of free play and art time, a healthy, peanut-free snack (provided by us) and ends with circle time – songs and stories and active fun. All families are welcome to join us. Please contact us to register due to COVID protocols. For more information, contact us @ 902-895-0200 or check out our website www.maggiesplace.ca or look for us on Facebook Maggie’s Place-Colchester.
Mondays: Cards at the Diligent River Community Hall, every Monday at 7pm.
Mondays: Gym at Wentworth Recreation Centre, 9-4:30. More information for patrons on our website.
Mondays: Shuffleboard at Economy Recreation Centre at 7:00 pm.
Mondays: Parrsboro Citizens Band Rehearsal, 7 pm. Interested in joining contact Rob Bentley. Rehearsals at the hall
Mondays: Wentworth Recreation Centre, Wentworth, Cards on Monday’s 7-9pm
Mondays: Jazz Workshop at the Hall, Parrsboro, 7 pm
Mondays: Pickleball, 10 am – noon, Wentworth Rec Centre. Groups or Individuals call Debbie Lynds at 902-899-5568 to reserve a time slot for your group.
Tuesdays: Walk n Talk, Wentworth Rec Centre, 1-2pm
Tuesdays: Exercises at the FPW Fire Hall, Port Greville, every Tuesday at 10 am.
Tuesdays: The King Street Strummers meet at 7:30pm. (For info contact Rob Bentley).
Tuesdays: Play Parrsboro Lions Club Bingo every Tuesday at 6 PM on cable 5 and now on the internet at: www.
parrsborolionsbingo.caTuesday’s: Maggie’s Place Bible Hill Playgroup, A FREE & FUN social and playtime for parents/caregivers and children ages 0-6, H.Douglas Boyce Village Hall (Fire Hall), 10:00-11:30. Ph: 902-895-0200 or email colchester@maggiesplace.ca
Tuesdays: At the Wentworth Recreation Centre, yoga is back from 3pm to 4:15pm.
Tuesdays: Pickleball (women only) 6-8pm, Wentworth Rec Centre. Call 902-899-5568 to reserve a time slot for your group.
Tuesdays: Bass River Fire Brigade Toonie Draw 7pm at the Bass River Fire Hall. Tickets available along the shore. Visit: Facebook page: Bass River Fire Brigade Toonie Draw
Tuesdays: Gospel Coffee House, First Tuesday of each month, Belmont Baptist Church, 1:30 PM. Bring an instrument \or just listen. Contact Karen Turner 662-2699
Wednesday’s: Maggie’s Place Family Resource Centre offers a FREE Playgroup, 10:00-11:30am from September to June; Great Village at the Debert at the Debert Fellowship Centre. Playgroups are a fun, FREE play and social time for parents/caregivers and their children from birth to school age to enjoy together. Each session consists of free play and art time, a healthy, peanut-free snack (provided by us) and ends with circle time – songs and stories and active fun. All families are welcome to join us. Please contact us to register due to COVID protocols. For more information, contact us @ 902-895-0200 or check out our website www.maggiesplace.ca or look for us on Facebook Maggie’s Place-Colchester.
Wednesdays: Debert Legion 7:30 pm Crib, bring a partner, new teams welcome
Wednesdays: Mens Choir Sectional rehearsals at the Hall, Parrsboro, 10 am
Wednesday’s: Maggie’s Place Stewiacke Playgroup, A FREE & FUN social and playtime for parents/caregivers and children ages 0-6, Stewiacke Community Centre (Fire Hall), 10:00-11:30. Ph: 902-895-0200 or email colchester@maggiesplace.ca
Wednesdays: Cards at Senior’s Centre, Five Islands, 7:30pm.
Wednesdays: Yoga with Margaret Davidson 6:30 pm at Lower Onslow Community Centre.
Wednesdays: Mid-Week Morning Beginner Yoga, 9:30-10:30am. Classes are downstairs at Cobequid United Church Hall, Masstown $10/class ($80 for a 10 class pass). Call Tanya at 902-814-2194
Wednesday’s: Maggie’s Place Truro Playgroup, A FREE & FUN social and playtime for parents/caregivers and children ages 0-6, Maggie’s Place, 1027 Prince St, 10:00-11:30. Ph: 902-895-0200 or email colchester@
maggiesplace.caWednesdays: 1st & 3rd Wednesday beginning at 7:30 movies at the Hall, Parrsboro.
Wednesdays: Pickleball, 10 am – noon, Wentworth Rec Centre. Groups or Individuals call Debbie Lynds at 902-899-5568 to reserve a time slot for your group.
Thursdays: Attention Seniors - 10 AM till noon come to Rawdon Gold Mines Community Hall:
Play cards, Rummy cub etc or just socialize followed by light lunch. Everyone welcome. Contact Shirley Nichols 902-632-2524 for updates.
Thursdays: Walk n Talk: Wentworth Recreation Centre, Wentworth, 1:00-2:00.
Thursday’s: Maggie’s Place Family Resource Centre offers a FREE Playgroup, 10:00-11:30am from September to June; Great Village at the Tatamagouche at the Tatamagouche Fire Hall. Playgroups are a fun, FREE play and social time for parents/caregivers and their children from birth to school age to enjoy together. Each session consists of free play and art time, a healthy, peanut-free snack (provided by us) and ends with circle time – songs and stories and active fun. All families are welcome to join us. Please contact us to register due to COVID protocols. For more information, contact us @ 902-895-0200 or check out our website www.maggiesplace.ca or look for us on Facebook Maggie’s Place-Colchester.
Thursdays: Grandparent’s Rights for Nova Scotia meets the 3rd Thursday of each month from 2-4 pm at Sobey’s Community Room, Robie Street, Truro.
Thursdays: Bingo, Recreation Centre, Economy starting at 7:00 pm. Early Bird game at 6:45.
Canasta from 1 – 3 pm at the Historeum, 29 Young Street, Truro. Both experienced and new learners are welcome.Thursdays: Bingo, Wentworth Recreation Centre at 7pm with great prizes to be won. Open Canteen. Please see the website for additional details: www.wentworthrecctr.com
Thursday’s: Maggie’s Place Hilden Playgroup, A FREE & FUN social and playtime for parents/caregivers and children ages 0-6, Hilden Fire Hall, 10:00-11:30. Ph: 902-895-0200 or email colchester@maggiesplace.ca
Thursdays: Open Mic, Lower Onslow Community Centre. Doors open at 5:30, music starts at 6:30. 50/50, tea/coffee on the house, everyone welcome.
Thursdays: Gym classes at Economy Recreation Center - evenings 7 to 8
Thursdays: Bingo at Wentworth Recreation Centre returning to Thursday nights at 7 pm as of May 4th.
Thursdays: Parrsboro Citizens’ Choir Rehearsal, 7 pm. Interested in joining contact David Towns
Fridays: Gym classes at Economy Recreation Center mornings from 9 to 10 and evenings 7 to 8.
Fridays: Debert Legion Darts, 7:30 pm each Friday. New players welcome
Fridays: Bingo at Five Islands Fire Brigade Hall, 7 p.m.
Fridays: Evening with the Brushes at Wentworth Learning Centre, 6:30 pm. Cost $40.
Fridays: Open Mic will commence of September 16, then starting in October will be held on a two week cycle.
Fridays: Gym at Wentworth Recreation Centre, 9-4:30. More information for patrons on ojuek website.
Saturdays: Pickleball, 10 am – noon, Wentworth Rec Centre. Call Debbie Lynds at 902-899-5568 to reserve a time slot for your group.
Saturdays: Saturday’s 7 PM – 10 PM Come & play 45’s followed by nice lunch at Rawdon Gold Mines Community Hall. Contact Shirley Nichols: 902-632-2524) for any updates
Saturdays: Walk ‘n Talk, Wentworth Rec Centre,1:30-2:30.
Sundays: At the Wentworth Recreation Centre, yoga is back from 3pm to 4:15pm Yoga: Sun/Tues 3-4:15pm
Sundays: Bingo at Wentworth Recreation Cemtre, 1 pm returning to Thursday nights at 7 pm as of May 4th.
Sundays: Erskine Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Glenholme is meeting each Sunday at 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM. Contact: Rev. John Shearouse - 902-876-1817. www.erskinearp.ca