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Archives: 2009 to 2023...
January 2025
For Sale
Used "TORO-SNOWBLOWER", Model 518ZE, 18 inches width, 99 cc, 4 cylinder engine, electric start. The price is $400.00 cash. Please phone 902-641-2285, Debert, Nova Scotia, and speak with BJ or Gracie.
Would like to acquire earlier version of three popular cookbooks: Barbours Cookbook - Version 3 or earlier; Five Roses (spiral binding) and Purity Cookbook (also spiral bound) each approximately 50-60 years old. Must be in good condition. E-mail: maurice@theshorelinejournal.com or, call 902-890-9850.
For Sale - Selection of used appliances, washers, dryers, apartment size deep freezer, refrigerators, used horizontal furnace – ideal for residence or workshop. Two snowblowers for parts. Contact Maurice, 902-890-9850 or maurice@theshorelinejournal.com
Services Offered
New-to-town local artist available for logo & branding design services. Send inquiries to reyexperiments@gmail.com Beverage art, t-shirt, brochure & business card designs also available.
Canadian Coins
For sale – Pre-1967 Canadian Coins – 559, Ten Cent Coins; 253 Twenty Five Cent coins and 368 Fifty Cent Coins. Make an offer, phone 902-897-7618
The Mobility Ryders Scooter Club, Truro requires used scooters, wheelchairs and walkers to purchase at reasonable cost or for donation. The Club fixes scooters and helps people with mobility issues. For more information contact Joe at 902 -814-6642.
WANTED – Looking for Cube Vans, and / or Class C Motorhomes, which might not be roadworthy, but in good enough condition to be re-purposed to convert to temporary homes for homeless people. Would want windshield and doors, with glass are intact. Do not need engine or transmission, but hope tires are good enough to tow. Call: 902-890-9850 to discuss options.
For Sale: Framed colour reproductions of historic CN locomotives by Wentworth D Folkins. Ten framed prints (8 x 10) representing each province; the Samson represents Nova Scotia. Also ten framed (10 x 14) B&W photos of CN rail history. email: tshirtsrus@hotmail.ca
WANTED – An old fountain pen like we used in high school. Phone 902-895-2233. Mornings best.
WANTED – Large Rhinestone pin, ideally with pink or turquoise stones. Phone 902-895-2233. Mornings best.
WANTED – For my snowman collection, another snowman in a bisque finish. No shiny stuff. No tiny snowman. Phone 902-895-2233. Mornings best.
WANTED – Pair of cuff links with fake stones, fake pearls, fake Alaska black diamonds. Phone 902-895-2233. Mornings best.
WANTED – Large Siamese Cat figurines, preferably in bisque finish (that full satin finish). Phone 902-895-2233. mornings best.
WANTED – Old copy of "Lighthouses and Lights of NS by Ernest (Rip) Irwin by NIMBUS, 2003. Phone 902-895-2233. Mornings best.
WANTED – Does anyone make "home-made" Basil Pesto or know where some is available? Been to local greenhouse three times in past be months and last fall. None available. Phone 902-890-9850.
WE buy broken gold pieces and diamonds. Highest Price Paid. Call 902-893-1090
Seamstress Services Available in Masstown-Hemming and alterations. Call Tanya at 902-814-2194.
Dog Daycare
Dog Daycare and training in Great Village. Daycare Monday and Thursday. Classes, Monday to Friday, 9-5. Professional services to fit all lifestyles and schedules. Call, stop in or visit website: 902-986-1974. Cross Road Boarding, Training and Behaviour Services.
Local Crafts
Reid's Knits & Crafts, 11115 Hwy #2 Masstown N.S. Open May-Sept, Mon-Fri 10 am-5pm, Sat, Sun & Holidays 9am-5pm or by appointment. 902-662-3370
Kayla’s Kreations
Services Available: Seamstress - alterations, garments & window coverings; Pet products - natural dog treats, custom - made blankets, beds & coats. Home/Office organizing & decluttering. Interior decorating - home staging and color & design advice. Home support / respite. Contact Gail for quotes at gailspoodles44@outlook.com or 902-700-2940. Located in Five Islands.
T-shirtsrus.ca has the largest inventory of short and long sleeve t-shirts in Atlantic Canada. We also have hoodies for youth and adults. Check us out, you’ll find a full range of sizes for youth: XS, S, M, L and XL. Adult sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, & 5XL. Choose your size and colour then you can select from over 800 designs, which we can apply within minutes. Sorry that we had to close our retail store, due to health reasons, but we still have all the inventory and are able to accommodate all you needs, as described above, or for customized apparel. www.tshirtsrus.ca For more information: PH: 902-890-9850, or email: tshirtsrus@hotmail.ca
Need a Facebook Page for your group or business? Experienced web design & marketing company Athena Computer Solutions serves Central NS and now specializes in Facebook Pages. Setup & customizing, training & support, maintenance & marketing, we’ve got the combo of services that’s right for your business or group! Facebook is an affordable & powerful tool for online promotion, but setup and use is different from Personal Profiles and can be tricky. See some of our samples at facebook.com/athenacomputersolutions – some I maintain, some the owner’s maintain! Call or email 902 414-1797, or info@athenasolutions.net