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Rees' Pieces - January 2025
Yes, We Are in the Right Spot
Since acquiring this publication in February 2008, I have often written in this column and in other news articles that the residents of Colchester are among the luckiest people in Nova Scotia and yes, elsewhere whether Canada-wide or from a global perspective for a variety of reasons. Some of the assets giving this area a big advantage include: geography; among the lowest municipal tax rates in the province and a council who for the most part have made great decisions.
In retail, or locating a business such as fast food or gas bar, the fundamental rule is "location is everything". This holds true in Colchester’s case, as it is known as the "hub" of Nova Scotia. With over 50% of the 1.8-million residents in the Maritimes located within 90 minutes of the heart of the county, Colchester is positioned to reap the benefits.
Aviation is and will continue to be an important economic engine. Colchester is lucky to have the former CFB Debert airport in its midst. With Halifax International Airport busting at the seams, and focusing on the international global market it is growing so fast it is looking for ways to find alternative homes for some of the associated businesses. With "bigger fish to fry" - the global positioning – there is a consensus the handling small aircraft and other support operations could easily be relocated an hour away in Debert.
I had some concern a few years ago, when around the council table, there was some mention the county should divest itself of the airport, because of the large financial commitments which would be required to bring the airport up to levels to be an attraction. It’s nice to see those thoughts are history and the municipality is slowly and strategically making investments. The December 12th approval of a $709,677 tender to PMC Roofing, also a local company, for roof replacement to the 40,000 sq ft Debert Aviation Centre is a very positive sign, the Debert Airport is open for business.
Council’s five-year capital budget included the replacement of the Debert Aviation Centre roof, with work planned for fiscal 2024/25. The 40,000 square foot DAC was originally purchased by the County in June of 2020 at a cost of $525K and underwent $2.5M in renovations over the course of 2 years. The facility now houses an aircraft repair business and serves as airplane storage for several clients. The roof has reached the end of its useful life and multiple leaks are having a negative impact on the condition of the building.
The fact professionals from the region’s largest airport are constantly looking at expansion and infrastructure enhancements to grow, Debert as a possible location to solve their overcrowding problems is a benefit of untold proportions. The added fact is some former Halifax Airport executives live in Colchester helps.
Even looking into the crystal ball, does not mean Debert’s airport is without its problems. In fact it has several major problems:
- It’s about 20 years behind doing what should have been done. (If it had been up to speed, maybe the large FedEx terminal facility might have been located in Debert).
- Momentum was slowed for a while because several previous councillors wanted to minimize the emphasis on Debert Airport and not commit any funds to study or planning.
- Knowledgeable staff, who recognize the opportunities and ScotiaPort, still a possibility, and its projection of 4,600 jobs over 20 years is another reason further improvements must be a priority when funding programs can be sourced. Replacement and extension of the runway system is a major hurdle, which when completed will see a surge in serious interest from future tenants.
With the input of local professionals, who know the business, and the encouragement of current professionals at Halifax International Airport there might be an extensive list of businesses who would be better positioned if located in Debert.
If ScotiaPort starts to get traction and appears to be well on the way to becoming reality then \major investments in Debert Airport must be fast tracked. Maturing at the same time, the economy of Colchester would outperform any other area of the province including HRM. - Maurice
Rees' Pieces - December 2024
Stress-filled Troublesome Times Ahead?
Today, I am not sure, what to think, about this, upside-down world. Particularly, how did we get here and where are we headed?
If we have chosen not to be an ostrich and stick our heads in the sand, we have a numerous uneasy thoughts racing through our heads cluttering our minds.
One thing is paramount. Now is not the time to throw up our hands in disgust. We must settle ourselves down; serious thinking about how we are going to cope and successfully make it to the other side.
Here are some of the things which are affecting every human’s daily life. These things are not in order of importance, and will affect people to varying degrees. Cost of food; danger to health because of not eating properly; cost of gasoline and heating fuel; condition of roads; racism and bigotry; housing; higher rent prices; climate warming; Nova Scotia families who do not have a doctor – resulting in poorer health; changing weather patterns – excessive amounts of rain and flash flooding; safety of children and what they are going through stress our children are under as a result of extreme stress their parents face.
Once we start to think about things outside normal home life and totally beyond our control,
we are dealing with stresses from: global political atmosphere; war in the Middleast and Ukraine; racial strife; poverty, genocide in many areas; trading wars from China with USA and Canada; aggressiveness of North Korea, Russia, other militant populations; gun violence and rioting.For many of us, the big worry is how serious is the threat to democracy? Followed closely by the fad or current initiatives by far right or radical groups to upset democratic governments in jurisdictions, especially in Europe and North America. Populist parties have been upsetting the norm in France and Germany and to some extent even min Latin America. The recent USA election voting in Donald J Trump is sending chills of serious concern in Canada, Mexico and throughout NATO.
Canada’s economy would be ruined and we could face massive numbers of citizens and immigrants fleeing USA. The influx of millions wanting to flee USA would far outstrip activities that happened with draft-dodgers who fled to Canada during the Vietnam war. His activities might even cause a depression much worse than "the dirty 30’s". In Canada and much of the free-world it’s going to be one or two years of total chaos if Trump’s, desires gain traction.
In Canada we face all of the previously listed concerns, which has had an impact and driven up the stress level of our 40-Million+ residents. There is another thing bothering us, which we are not used to…. "self-centered non-caring politicians" (not municipal).
I will admit this is not totally new. The trait has been there for decades and has gradually grown more and more each year or political term of office. Granted, as electors we are partially to blame, because we did not nip it in the bud when first noticed. Very important, it is not unique to one of the three main parties… Liberals, PC or NDP. Their shortcomings include: concern about re-election; do not listen to the public; don’t do enough town hall meetings and pay more attention to donors and an inside group of party workers.
Here are a few examples: NDP’s John McDonnell (Hants East) when in opposition he was constantly in the small communities. During Premier Stephen McNeil reign party workers and constituency directors often complained he rarely communicated directly with them, nor did anyone from the caucus. At his first press conference after announcing the election Premier Tim Houston was bombarded with complaints, he had not returned calls from a patient seeking financial assistance for a special surgery performed outside the province. At first there was denial, but he later apologized and did call the patient the next day.
What I am saying is today’s crop of provincial and federal politicians must change their ways.
Perhaps a good place to start is adopt the policy Premier Frank McKenna implemented for staff and caucus when he won every seat in New Brunswick: Every call must be returned same day of the call, before you leave the office. Maurice
November 2024 - An era when no one is happy
With over 60 years (will be 61 in late October) in various roles in publishing and I have done them all it’s a weird feeling to be in a world when "no one" is happy. In October 1963 as a grade 10 student, I landed a part-time job at the Woodstock Bugle, which as a start-up weekly less than a year old, provided the type of environment which instantly appealed to me – no frills, happy energetic people who greeted me with open arms. Their enthusiasm as the new gang taking on an established weekly over a century old was infectious.
I decided to move on from the Bugle six months after the founding publisher, Robert J Morrison, the inspiring leader was killed in a tragic car accident following an evening meeting with Harrison and Wallace McCain. On January 1, 1970 I drove from Woodstock to Yarmouth to join Lester Pink’s crew at Fundy Printers, also a start up publisher of about five years was not long in the tooth.
The years went on and roles changed, suffered through new owners and had to learn the ways, which deep pocketed and long arms multi-publication publishing chains did not to excel in quality journalism, but solely to increase profit.
In February 2008 the Shoreline Journal was sold to me. Since then, I’ve chugging along doing the best I can in a rural area, with a coverage area which could be described as a 98 Km ribbon – two gas outlets in the first 25 Km, and no restaurants or grocery stores beyond the first 15 Km. However, our small crew works tirelessly to make each issue better than THE LAST. We don’t always succeed, but we enjoy doing it.
I am not trying to paint a "poor me" picture, but with reality face some of the obstacles which the publishing sector has faced in the last decade. First there was the advent of social media. If you wish to imagine the negative impact just look at lack of classified pages in large circulation dailies. The battle with social media as a competitive issue and you adjust the best you can.
However, the two things, which are affecting every sector of our economy and, if the truth was admitted, every bone in everyone’s body. The first is social media and texting. Because we were isolated for nearly two years due to CoVid texting grew enormously even the those in their middle years. The scourge on humanity is people do not talk to one another. I’ve seen two teenagers in the same room, not talking but carrying on a continuous conversation by texting. Texting will not stop until their thumbs wear-out.
The second negative impact on humanity is "no one" is happy following CoVid. For some reason CoVid changed everyone’s mind. No one has been m able to determine why billions of people became so unhappy and negative at the same time. For instance, we did our work force go? Restaurant owners have had to reduce hours or close because they can’t get staff. Retail operations are feeling the same pinch. No one wants to work. WHY?
In those type of businesses, minimum wage was in the $13.00/ hour range prior to CoVid. Now not more than two years later, young people and older ones as well are earning $20,00 are earning $20/hr, in some instances more than $22. Yet people still don’t want to work.
I may get myself in trouble here, because this matter is difficult to explain. Those of us, who have traces of racism in our blood complain this way: They complain immigrants are taking all "our jobs". To illustrate they mention the higher proportion of immigrants serving them at our favourite drive-thru.
My answer is: "Suck it up and smile, or make your own coffee or burger at home."
Either SHUT UP, or stop being so lazy. We don’t want to hear your mouth.
Now that an election has been called for late November, I wonder how all this unhappiness will play out? Other political parties have not faired well and there have been several surprises. - Maurice
October 2024 - Election on the way...
This month most of my time has been spent planning the type of municipal election coverage would be most helpful to our loyal readers. There was not much to be done with candidates until nominations closed September 10th. Of course, our top headline on Page 1 contained a major error. We said nominations closed on September 9th, when in realty it was September 10th (Would have been best to be correct, but if a mistake was going to happen best to list a day earlier) Would have been more embarrassing, if we chose a date after the 10 and some one paid attention to us and missed the actual deadline.
Interest in the election seems higher than 2020. Of course 2020 was during the pandemic, which threw a monkey wrench into every facet of life. In 2020 four of the new councillors were women – Laurie Sandeson (District 2), Lisa Patton (District 8), Marie Benoit District 9), and Victoria Lomond (District 10), who actually joined via a by-election to replace 12 year council veteran, Tom Taggart, who vacated the position to run and win provincially becoming Colchester North MLA succeeding Karen Casey. Tim Johnson (District 5) was the sole male new councillor in 2020 succeeding Lloyd Gibbs.
In this election 22 people filed nomination papers 13 men and 9 women. Three of the women were acclaimed: Laurice Sandson (District 2); Lisa Patton District 8) and Sherry Martell (District 7), who replaced Mike Gregory who did not re-offer.
It was amazing to see five candidates vying for the District 10 council seat. It shows that rural people are starting to pay a greater interest in Municipal politics. The increasing population in rural areas may be playing a part. In years gone by rural area were suffering fighting to keep schools open; local stores and gas bars open, but now the population in some rural areas, across the province, including Colchester, has increased ]o much schools are bursting at the seams, Of course quality of rural life; better cell phone service and expanded internet service is encouraging younger professional families to choose rural lifestyle. Improved cell and internet service also permits more people to work from home, either as an employee or entrepreneurs starting a new business. There is a noticeable number of young professionals giving up urban living as cell an internet services evolved for the better.
Much of the pre-election time was spent composing the two questionnaires for candidates, one for councillor candidates the other for the mayoralty candidates. The challenge was to chose questions about matters of interest the most of the general public.
I mam not attempting to boast, but I suspect we will have the most extensive election coverage of any publication not only in Colchester, but of any print media across the province. The 2024 municipal election is probably the most import one for many decades. The reason being many rural areas are showing rapid growth and the pace of growth is going to increase substantially for the next decade. As a result it is very important the electors are engaged in order to be up to speed of the growth and changes coming to the municipality for the next 10-15 year growth cycle. I believe the rural areas of Colchester will show a 30% increase in population within the next decade. The immediate Debert area will almost double within seven years. If Scotia Port becomes reality all bets are off, because the promotors suggest 4,600 jobs within 20 years. If there is progress on improvements and expansion of the Debert Airport, look-out a number of larger international businesses will be knocking on our doors rushing to get established here. That’s why we need the best of the lot around the council table.
My hope, we will double the number of vote cast in this election compared to 2020
Vote October 19 - Maurice
September 2024 - My apology, Technology Almost let me Down
Wow, what a great summer we have had. A shame it went by so fast. Would have preferred another two months before getting into the fall, which is my preference. The last four months of each year means we have to prepare for lots of rain, vegetation turning brown; then Remembrance Day, which is the unofficial introduction to the Christmas season.
Locally, and across the province there are the municipal elections on October 19. I spent considerable time trying to find out who was thinking about running, and next step was who had publicly announced their intentions. The headline story reveals the efforts of my investigation.
It is hoped, that since we’ve have been coming out of CoVid, society and people, in general, were adamant about expecting and wanting changes, there is sufficient interest to fill the seats in districts in which there was no incumbent. With municipal elections attracting the least participation perhaps societal changes will result in higher voter turn-out. On October 19.
Might it be assumable voter turn-out would increase dramatically if there was greater interest and more people running for a council seat. Maybe the cure is not to complain, but to do something about it by getting more candidates to run or put your name forward and run yourself.
It is amazing as much as everyone living in a rural area wants betterment, there is very little interest in serving your community. Granted it’s not full-time and the remuneration is not that bad.
For those of us who are political junkies, and follow US politics, we have something else to occupy us. It’s the US election on November 5th. What a mess they have on their hands. For the last two months there has been lots of US political pre-election drama to occupy many hours. Two months ago, it was the Republican GOP convention, which was a comedy show, but the goals they have are scary. Nothing short of cancelling the USA constitution is acceptable.
For our sake, north of the border, we sure hope Trump does not get elected. Or if he loses immediately pray for a peaceful transition of power in January. Depending on the election outcome, the weeks between November 5th and January 6th could be when the future of the country will be as a civil democracy or a world leader going through a civil war.
Just over a week ago it was the Democratic Party to take the spotlight. And that they did in grand style. First President Biden withdrew his name from the presidential race candidacy. Within 20 minutes, he endorsed, Kamala Harris, his Vice-President, to take over the reins. Within 24 hours enough of the nearly 4,000 pledged delegates endorsed her as the presidential candidate. Then last weekend it was the DNC convention in Chicago, which was more like a parade of entertainers concert than a political convention.
It was reported on USA major media outlets today (August 25) that since Biden withdrew from the race the Democrats under Kamala Harris have $500-Million and that during her 45-minute acceptance speech then raised almost $10-Milliom.
Then it is winter coats, boots, shovels and less comfortable unless you are a skier and winter sports buff. You know what follows until middle of March.
Tomorrow on August 29, I hope the newly completed business plan Scotia Pool management presents to council meets council’s approval. (For expanded details on the situations, which Scotia Pool has faced this year please search for separate story elsewhere in this issue.) There sure has been a large public out-cry about councils’ budget to award $50,000 less than what Scotia Pool had requested in their budget request. The presentation clearly stated if the $100,000 additional funding was not granted, situations were so dire, the pool would have to close before the end of the year. They annually have been receiving a grant of $75,000.
This column is a bit shorter than normal. I need a new keyboard and/or mouse. They have been giving constant problems all evening. - Maurice
August 2024
- I am Embarrassed and PoorerThis column contains a thought we might be heading to an early fall election; an urge to possibly file nomination papers for one of the three vacant positions on Colchester council, or become a challenger to any of the other eight councillors, who are re-offering and a confession / explanation on a very stupid move made by publisher, Maurice Rees.
First, let’s get my stupid move out of the way. I won’t go into dates or times, but will give an overview. Earlier in July received a call from Service Canada, but could not take the call. They again called the next day, while I was involved in another conversation. I was able to take the Service Canada call on the third day. After the usual introductions and employee number, the Service Canada representative informed me, they has cancelled my Social Insurance Number (SIN), because of fraudulent activity in Montreal using my SIN to open at least 10 bank accounts involving $1.7-Million. She continued, saying since it was my SIN, I was the prime suspect, until I could prove otherwise.
Next she said, there are many government departments involved in the investigation including: Treasury Board, CRA and RCMP. "She continued, "I don’t expect you to believe me, so I am going to have the RCMP call you to confirm". Within five minutes received a call from RCMP confirming aforementioned details. The one thing which made me a believer was the caller ID showing up on my phone was "RCMP Bible Hill Detachment".
I guess The caller ID confirmed things were legit, and caused me to be all in. That’s about all I am going to reveal, as it caused me to be "ALL IN" with both feet. Over the next couple of days, I ended up losing $14,300, plus $400 in purchasing four Apple Gift Cards.
The RCMP investigator whom interviewed me was very consolatory, and said of them cases he has seen, I was able to provide the most detailed Information, he had seen, but caution, "I don’t want to give you false hope, because basically you are SOL"
The next day, even though totally dejected and depressed, I decided to pick myself up, dust myself off and work harder to recoup the $14,300.
I will admit they were very smooth, professional and would be great
instructors of counselling many retail businesses on Customer Service 101.
What is transpiring in the USA since President Biden withdrew from the upcoming election is proof the electorate, since CodVid-19 wanted change with the massive stampede to endorse VP Harris. It seems every day sets a new record for donations, or volunteers signing up to work on her campaign. Harris’ ascending to be the presidential DNC candidate appears to have caught Trumps and his followers flat-footed.
Mentioning the USA election gives me an opening to speak about elections provincially. Yes, we have municipal elections on Saturday, October 19th, but let’s take a quick peek at the provincial level. I’ve been in this game for over 60 years and I have seen many politicians come and go starting federally with Prime Minister Diefenbaker.
I am not sure if it’s an eerie feeling or some historical activity coming into prominence. It would not surprise me if Premier Time HJouston called a snap 2024 fall election. An election campaign must be at least 30 days.
Possible election dates are: September 17th means he would have to call it within a day or so around August 16th; September 24th would make him to visit the Lieutenant Governor around August 23th. If Houston wanted to wait until October, he has to stay away from Thanksgiving Monday. October 5th. Also, he must be mindful of the municipal elections on Saturday October 19th. That would leave him October 15th, which is the Tuesday prior to municipal elections four days later on Saturday. The fourth and final date in my not-so-clear crystal ball is October 29th, ten days after municipal elections.
My final reminder is to think about the community you choose to live. Would you serve on council - three empty seats in Colchester. Check out the election ads in this issue. Regardless, be sure to vote. - Maurice
June 2024 - Significant Changes Coming
There are major changes happening, which will cause Colchester to be the undisputed leader of the pact, bar none. Colchester’s stock has been gradually rising as the most successful municipality in the province. Our geographical positioning, as HUB of Nova Scotia has always helped us when transportation became a factor. It has always been beneficial to be one hour and a half driving distance of 1.5-Million people in three provinces.
Onejk could speculate that should the three Maritime Provinces ever unite, Truro/Colchester should be the capital – not because it is the financial/monetary capital, but for other more efficiency and prudent reasons. Think along with me and we’ll list a few: Basically fog free; not a port city – less like to be bombed or invaded; less drug importation; adjoining Bay of Fundy coastal communities have UNESCO designation for a Global GeoPark; decommissioned army base comprising around 3,000 acres of raw land that also includes an airport – although upgrading is needed. Most of these are natural wonders, which nobody can take away.
However, in spite of all the upside, over the next five years Colchester is going to face its most difficult times. It will be a matter of capacity. How much more, we do; handle; build; afford to spend, where will we find them the tradesman and contractors what we need done now. If council thought they had a difficult budget period, think ahead 3-5 years. The first thing council and staff is figure out where they are going assist other levels of government to get their hands of $50-to $100-Million which will be needed for infrastructure. A new Hwy 104 interchange will cost at least $20-Million. New rail beds and sidings are equally expensive Sewer and waterline services are not cheap. Just look at housing. It takes $1-Million to build five houses. We don’t have enough housing for existing people to live. If through a combination of existing businesses independently or collectively expanded and required 100 new workers, it would take $20-Million to complete housing requirements and a lot of that is municipal infrastructure. If employment over the next year increased by 500 it will require a cool $100-Million.
The other side of the story is where will contractors find the trades people. Will local suppliers be able to get the building and construction supplies? Perhaps the first things municipal staff should do is take a true leadership position completing a study and publishing a report; then hold counselling sessions with construction and trades companies. Irving Shipyard held 100’s of supplier forums two years ahead of cutting steel. The provincial community college network must be advised if current economic expansion that appears to be coming our way happens, Colchester is going to need upwards of 3,000 new trade speople within five years and we need housing for all of them.
It’s nice for Colchester to be forging ahead on its way to be the province’s municipal leader, but it comes at a cost. To avoid having egg all over our face, we best be prepared.
With Scotia Port, forecasting 4,600 FTE jobs during construction and $470-Million in direct household income during the 20-year construction period it is a gigantic plum and is most welcomed. We could not be luckier. We must show our appreciation by proving we are up to the task of doing everything humanly possible to be a leader and get others up to speed even in providing accommodation and other levels of government deliver their services on time.
One last figure. If Scotia Port’s projection of 4,600 FTE jobs during construction is realistic and workers will be onsite for a long duration, it probably includes 10,000+ people when you think about family. Which brings us back to 4,600 residential units. If half were houses and half were apartments let’s use a construction cost of $200,000 for house and $100,000 for apartment, which is an average of $150,000 per unit. In the final analysis $1-Million will provide seven units. Mathematically, 4,600 residential units will require an investment of $600-Million to house the workers to build Scotia Port. Then it’s the Multi-millions required for Scotia Port. - Maurice
Rees' Pieces May 2024 - What a shock
It was totally unexpected when Colchester Council during an April 16th presentation meeting on grants for "not-for profits" to deny Scotia Pool at grant for $175,000. The decision to deny has sent shock waves through Bible Hill and then swimming community, particularly seniors who use the heated pool for its therapeutic values not available elsewhere locally.
Historically, Scotia Pool has received an annual grant of $75,000, but last year following its difficult time to recover from CoVid19, Scotia Pool’s operating Society asked for special consideration to raise the grant to $175,000 for a period of three years.
In 2023, the $175,000 was approved, but requested come back next year to let us know how
you are doing.It was anticipated the matter would be back on the agenda for the April 25th monthly meeting. It certainly was and council had to make a decision, because documents were on the table to approve a balanced budget that evening.
During discussion on April 16th some councilors expressed concern they were being asked for large amounts of money, when Village of Bible Hill was not coming to the table with similar funding. Mayor Blair explained under the Municipal Governance Act (MGA) villages were prohibited from making cash contributions and could only support entities like Scotia Pool with "in-kind" contributions. She added Bible Hill performs its "in-kind" work through accounting / bookkeeping services.
Deputy Mayor Geoff Stewart did some investigative work and found several instances where some villages around the province have been giving cash to help a local entity. This changed the water on the beans at April 25th meeting.
Councillor Boutilier opened discussion on Scotia Pool stating council had to do something, because if more money in addition to the already approved $75,000 was not approved Scotia Pool would close late summer or early Fall, and that happened it would cost $10-20-Million to build a new pool. Hej also mention Bible Hill could possibly see a housing development started soon with plans for 3,000 houses and apartment units and there is other residential projects getting ready to start.
During the lengthy discussion amendments and amendments were made as council tried to find the place they should fit. Some amendments were defeated, but finally council voted to provide $50,000 with a condition withing 3 months Scotia Pool Society would ensure studies were completed including a business plan, sustainability and plan of action. Monies for the studies can be used from the $50,000, if they are unable to find external funding from another level of government.
During the April 16th budget meeting there was a lot of discussion the RECC does not have the capacity to handle all swimmers needs.
Many taxpayers outside the central core – such as Tatamagouche and West Colchester do not use the RECC on regular basis, except for attending special events. Most reasoning is distance; problems regarding parking. There is a general feeling the more remote areas are underserviced because RECC gobbles up a larger portion of the available funding.
No studies have been done, but it is assumed most users are within a 10-15 minute driving radius. If so, more than 50% of Colchester residents use the RECC for hockey games and concerts and major special events brought to the area as a result of major marketing.
Scotia Pool is an icon. It needs constant support to ensure it continues. The cost of annually supporting it is far less expensive than what it would cost to replace. In fact is Scotia Pool closed it would never be replaced, primarily because of cost.
Let’s make some comparisons. Yes, RECC is co-owned by the municipality. Scotia Pool is operated by a Society, which has a long-term lease with the province for the facilities. Scotia’s heated pool is favoured by those requiring aqua-therapy; rarely has reduced hours and turns people away. RECC’s pool often has shortened hours or s closed because of a lack of life-guards. Some residents complain they have driven almost an hour to get to the RECC to find the pool is closed.
Out of this situation will be a plan of how working together better programs for swimmers will evolve. - Maurice
Rees’ Pieces - April 2024 - A Worrisome Crossroad?
During the past five+ years Nova Scotia has been performing much better, and Canada-wide our economy has been out performing other provinces. This was particularly noticeable during the devastating CoVid years.
People from across Canada were purchasing their new-Nova Scotia home simply by viewing video footage from a real estate agent. Ironic as it might seem they weren’t buying where the lights are bright and neon signs are everywhere.
No they wanted small town, a peaceful rural area, or even farther remote, in areas where Nova Scotians would say, "we have to come out to hunt". It worked for them then and it worked for us, because on a Canada-wide basis, we developed a reputation based on: peaceful, friendly, less expensive and not overcrowded.
The positive attitude of Premier Tim Houston is one of the things that keeps us going today. He hasn’t gotten everything right, but he is not afraid to invest money to try to solve a problem, like healthcare, housing and other areas.
I must congratulate him on his opening paragraphs in his column on Page 5.
He writes, "Nova Scotia is a different province than it was 20, 10 and even five years ago. We are now seen as a province of opportunity – a place where young people can build their careers, and where businesses can thrive". I agree with him and could not have written it better.
If he had continued with another couple of sentences, I would have believed "he had read the tea leaves correctly". His next composition should have been, "Recently, there are looming very dark black clouds, which could be devastating for all non-urban and rural areas, and I am worried".
We know weather patterns have changed in the last five years. Recall, white Juan, wildfires, last July’s heavy rainstorm which washed out roads, flooded major areas, putting people in Bedford, Lr Sackville, Mount Uniacke and Windsor in great danger, then recently when all of Cape Breton, including Sydney received over 100 mm snow.
The worry, particularly for smaller towns and rural areas is how the print media world has been affected by social media platforms and two years of Covid. The real worry for those non-urban areas is the potential demise of the Saltwire publishing empire, with a debt load of $67-Million. They own all the dailies in Nova Scotia, PEI, and Newfoundland, plus all community newspapers in NFLD and most of them in Nova Scotia.
The real economic albatross is for rural areas. The dailies might be scooped up by an Ontario publishing group – speculation has Post Media, leader of the pact. the only prized jewel might be the Chronicle Herald, if the Saltwire team can’t find a solution. This could leave the weeklies and community newspapers among the ashes. Result: our largest towns, Amherst, Truro and New Glasgow without a newspaper.
It was 60 years last October when I entered this profession. The other day, I jotted down the names of almost 20 Nova Scotia Communities who proudly had a weekly / community newspaper. In New Brunswick, if I remember correctly there were 13 locally owned publications. I can’t remember all the names. At that time I knew all owners and senior staff by first name.
If you say, print media is dead, you are wrong. It is the only media, which delivers constituent provable results. If you were talking about the real big city media, they might have a shorter life span.
Rural areas need a local print media. Otherwise, they have no way to communicate with themselves or with adjoining communities to invite them to a church supper or know what is happening. Governments need local print media to communicate with taxpayers.
Imagine Truro without a newspaper to print photos of floats in the Santa Clause Parade.
Papers for rural areas can be profitable, but they have to be scooped up before the burn pile. Those who will force the issue are the rural residents whose concern will force governments, well healed business executives to make it possible so rural areas can be owners and make it work.
With fingers and toes crossed, here’s hoping. - Maurice
March 2024 - If unstoppable, let’s plan
Every month when I sit down to write, Rees’ Pieces, I have a multitude of topics in the back of my mind. However, this month, the idea factory has failed me. When I looked there was nothing there, so here goes. Guess this will be similar to going for a drive on a Sunday afternoon with no destination in mind.
In looking back at the last couple of months, things have been busy, but not hectic. For the first time in years, in fact decades, I did absolutely very little work between Christmas and New Years, then extended my idleness into the first two weeks in January.
When I did go back to work, I caught a cold, and the persistent cough lasted much longer than I wanted. Spoke to a friend, who says his cough has hung around for upwards of six weeks.
Many were talking about the flu or lack of energy. I was unaware how they were feeling, until about noon on a Friday. Just after lunch I felt a bit off kilter. Decided I might have a Friday afternoon since tummy was full from lunch.
OMG, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Without word of a lie, other than bathroom privileges and to get more fluids, I stayed in bed until 9 am on Monday. I was not sick to my stomach, but not in living memory, did I feel so weak, tired and unable to stay awake.
While I confined myself to bed, when awake, I had plenty of time for idle thoughts. The beauty of our countryside, whether NB, NS or PEi kept popping into my mind.
Then at one point instead of thinking of our beauty and inviting views of our countryside and seashores, I decided to look negatively for ways that rural beauty could be taken away from us and what would our situation be at that particular time.
Immediately, clear cutting of our forests came to mind. The problem with clear cutting it’s been around for 40+ years. Our leaders of tomorrow don’t realize the beauty of what our country side used to be like. Even today there is very little public outcry about continued clearcutting. Look at our countryside: wildlife habitat has been ruined forever; there is no vegetation or tree strands to hold back the water, which comes rushing down mountains and hillsides including Cobequid and Wentworth. More clearcutting in a area, nobody bats an eye.
My second concern is Wildfires not because of Shelburne and outside Halifax which suffered $-billions of damage, but because of the thousands of acres of Fiona devastated forest land. There should have been a major public outcry to hold government accountable to clean up the mess. Timber could have turned into saw logs; 2 x 4 studs, chips etc. Thousands of jobs could have been created. Landowners could have been paid a premium price or a guaranteed market for the volumes they salvaged from the forests. I’ll bet the provincial government has done very little toward Fiona clean up or remediation. My concern is with all the downed trees spread across thousands of acres in Northern and Eastern Nova Scotia which could be a tinder box, awaiting for just one spark from a lightening storm.
There are two cases of severe ruination of our rural beauty and in both cases, the economic benefit compared to ecological and environment damage is questionable. For the past 50 years, we should have been tree farmers. Our economy and environment would be much better.
The third way our countryside may altered to some degree is wind farms. Mere mention of a new wind farm sends people rushing for a protest sign. Within the last decade forthcoming changes are unstoppable, and that includes green energy and what every is needed to produce it.
If it’s unstoppable, we need to bring everyone together, to find ways to extract the best deal possible for municipalities; community organizations, residents withing the shadows of the towers from the multi-national developers while preserving wildlife habitat, environment and beauty.
Government must lead, but the public needs to hold them accountable for benefits and bonds which will cover the cost of decommissioning. - Maurice
February 2024 - Bill Elliott Passing a Shock
The Fundy Shore was saddened and shocked to learn of the December 8th passing of Bill Elliott. Personally, I did not learn about the fateful event until early January. Not only will he be dearly missed buy Natalie and other family members but almost every resident, particularly middle age and up can recount many stories, out the Elliott’s were the most frequent and followed entertainers along the Fundy Shore.
To have someone from this shore
perform across North America and opened shows for Merle Haggard and Waylon Jennings. Bill had planned to showcase at ECMA in Charlottetown on May 1-5, 2024Now onto other more positive things.
Cliffs of Fundy GeoPark is going through a difficult time and is currently looking for a new Executive Director following a sudden departure from the position over the holiday period. Chair Carrie Goodwin and the executive moved quickly by appointing Devin Trefry as Interim, Executive Director.
Devin is well known in hospitality circles. Over a 15-year period he cut his teeth at Central Nova Tourism Association (CNTA). Recently, he has been filling a very important position in the office at the Municipality of Colchester. He’ll continue at the Municipality, while getting Cliffs of Fundy back on the rails.
The international GeoPark auditors / examiners / when they visited five years ago and gave final approval for Cliffs of Fundy to become a UNESCO GeoPark told several people two important things:
- Operated properly as a UNESCO GeoPark within couple decades, the Cliffs of Fundy could be the Number 1 tourism j attraction in the province outpacing Peggys Cove and Cape Breton Highlands.
- With its varied assets, Cliffs of Fundy GeoPark could be among the leaders if not Number 1 on a global basis.
Since its approval of have spoken negatively, not about the GeoPark or its possibilities to many board members including all three chair, Don Fletcher, Mayor Blair and current chair, Carrie Goodwin. My constant complaint has been if there was a communications plan, it stank, or was useless to the Cumberland, Colchester market where you need to build participation from local citizens and the business community, who will invest, staff, own and operate the business attractions and infrastructure to serve the thousands if not hundreds of thousands global tourists who will make special visits to the area.
My complains centered on old fashion handshake, ongoing community meetings, press releases for print, radio and television should be a priority. Emphasis on social media platforms will be more important once the infrastructure is in place to handle bus load after bus load of global tourists. Failure of a communications plan is not staffing, or monetary issue, it is an ideology.
Why try to build hype and support via the internet and cell phone the lowest of adequate service is not available. Poster on telephone poles and in corner stores would be much more effective. The board must take charge and develop a communications plan that will work in this area.
We are not where we should be with Cliffs of Fundy GeoPark five years in. Yes, disruptions were caused by CoVid, but that is an excuse not a reason. But that is only a lame excuse.
To have been able to see, where we should be, at this time, there should have been an investment, or shovel ready projects totaling about $10-Million. Yes, lack of money is a problem. Getting money and not spending it wisely is fool hardy.
In addition to needing a workable communications plan, which can be developed at no cost. Implementation will have costs.
To get us on the right tract, the board should also focus on getting funding for a "Needs Assessment" so every resident from Truro to Parrsboro and beyond will be strongly encouraged to attend community meetings to build the infrastructure in each community to service GeoPark tourists.
Without any planning let’s set target of 50,000 unique GeoPark tourists travel from Parrsboro to Truro vis tour bus in 2024. With 41 tourists per bus that requires 1,219 buses/yr.; or 23 buses/week; or 3.35 buses per day.
Do the math. See the Opportunity. - Maurice
January 2024 -
Basic changes neededIf we learned one thing from the last five years it should be how we must learn to adapt to and enact basic changes from what we historically did. It would appear CoVid was the instigator of rapid changes and our need to adapt.
Primary areas of massive changes have been: attitude toward work; aggressiveness toward rate of pay; populist attitudes toward global situations and our tolerance toward one another – basically disrespect and lack of decency.
Let me start with more precise examples: since monthly CoVid payments began, we grew accustomed to receiving approximately $2,000 per month for sitting home and doing nothing. That resulted in wanting large increases in wages, when it was time to go back to work.
CoVid also caused us to have a totally different attitude to work, or the type of work we had been doing. Some left their traditional job and were seeking something else offering the "ultimate". A change so rapid there is nothing comparable since WWII.
The foregoing exodus resulted in certain job classifications without a supply of workers. Imagine coffee shops having to pay $5.00 more per hour for someone to operate the drive thru window. Not that I am against higher wages, but 33% increase in less than a year.
Maybe wages should have been at that level, but without CoVid the momentum for change would not have been there. Another strain on the economy is government is getting tough on demanding certain corporations and individuals repay the CoVid loans extended in time of need.
Currently, everyone is blaming "inflation" as the root of our massive contempt toward anything unpopular or costly. I’ll confine by thoughts to three areas:
Mortgages: For years, we overplayed our hand. Personal greed and desire to climb the social ladder, we forgot to factor in the devastating results if interest rates would rapidly climb from $2% to 6-7%. Because we thought ourselves as non-destructive, we bought more expensive properties than we necessary. Instead of buying property in the same classification of real estate, we decided to be more elegant. Had we stayed in the range of where we were we could probably handle the increased payments. (Example: buying property $100-150,000 less)
Petroleum: Government greed for more taxes and oil company greed have driven pump prices higher than when crude oil prices were $100+ per barrel, than current pricing. What is the justification for pump pricing being significantly higher at $75.00 per barrel, than seven years ago when per barrel prices were a bit over $100?
Housing: I can understand price increases due to supply shortages. But no executive would have the intestinal fortitude to massively increase prices beyond the norm. Other than "populist attitude" aggressiveness, there is no justification to doubling rents from $800 for one bedroom to $1700-1800 for similar property. Landlords have become brazen and greedy. Governments have failed to take action.
None of us advocate for government to become more involved, but thing have reached the stage, where on existing properties landlords should have to apply to increase rents beyond 2-3%. (They should have to apply demonstrating show/prove increased costs - taxes, heating, utilities, repairs, etc.) If improvements / major renovations are involved, the costs should be amortized over 7-10 years. This would eliminate most of the reno-viction.
New construction would be exempt, because what the market would bear would determine the pricing. With homelessness becoming rampant, we need to make basic changes there. Those who are homeless should be registered, and placed on list to be prioritized for municipal / government employment according to their ability and qualifications – taking into account: health, addictions, not wanting to work, down on their luck, etc. Where they are lacking skills, enroll in courses to upgrade and make employment ready.
If we think outside the box, a job can be found, or created for almost every case. Such programs might not be socially acceptable at the moment and would not help grow the economy, and in fact could cost more, but overtime, we would have built a society ready to work, and realize in order to receive you must contribute.
Are we ready to kick butt and make it happen? Maurice