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Archives: 2009 to 2016...



Classified Ads - July 2016

For Sale

Antique Bear trap. Also many antique traps. Ph: 902-254-2560


Wanting to buy unwanted or no longer used firearms (rifles, handguns, etc.) of any types, hunting or trapping items also. Call Bruce 902- 899-6350.    

ST JAMES PATTERN by MINTON China. Need minimum of 2 place settings including soup bowls and sauce/dessert dishes. Ideally 3-6 place settings. Reasonably priced. Ph: 902-895-2233, mornings best. Other times by chance.

BANKER’S LAMP with green piano glass and brass base. Reasonably priced. Ph: 902-895-2233, mornings best. Other times by chance.

FOOTED CUPS & SAUCERS Ideally 2, 3, or 4 matching three-legged ones. Reasonably priced. Ph: 902-895-2233, mornings best. Other times by chance.

For Sale:

Yamaha digital keyboard, 61 keys with stand, case and amplifier. Asking $325.00, firm price. Phone 902-254-3246, after 6 pm.


ELLIOTT'S NEST Vacation Rental Home, 5019 Highway 2, Little Bass River, Nova Scotia BOM 1BO.  Contact: Bill Elliott at 902-647-2255 or billelliott12@gmail.com or Glenda Elliott at 902-647-2158 or glenda.e@rogers.com

Fund Raisers

Are you going to have a fund raiser and feel cotton candy would help make it more successful? We supply the machine, all supplies and operator. We make for you and you make the money. (We may also have a large popcorn machine soon). For information contact: Maurice Rees, 902-890-9850 or email: maurice@theshorelinejournal.com

Business Opportunity

$$$ MAKE FAST CASH - Start Your Own Business - Driveway Sealing Systems, Lawn Aerating Units, Possible Payback in 2 Weeks! Part-Time/Full-Time. Quote Community Newspapers. CALL Today Toll-Free 1-800-465-0024, www.protectasphalt.com.

Career Training:

BY EMPLOYER REQUEST, CanScribe is training to fill 400 Medical Transcription positions. Train with the only accredited and AHDI approved online Canadian school. 1-866-305-1165. www.canscribe.ca.

For Sale:

SAWMILLS from only $4,397- MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimensions. In stock ready to ship. FREE info & DVD. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT


CANADA BENEFIT GROUP- Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888-511-2250 or www.canadabenefit.ca/free-assessment


DISABLED? RECEIVE UP TO $40,000 from the Canadian Government. We get you a tax refund or our service is free. FREE ASSESSMENT CALL 1.888.353.5612 visit www.dbsrefund.com.

Steel Buildings:

STEEL BUILDING SALE ..."SUPER SAVINGS-ADDITIONAL 10% OFF NOW!" 20X21 $5,794 25X25 $6,584 30X31 $9,600 32X35 $10,798 42X51 $16,496. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 www.pioneersteel.ca



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Maurice Rees, Publisher
The Shoreline Journal
Box 41, Bass River, NS B0M 1B0
PH: 902-647-2968; Cell: 902-890-9850
E-mail: maurice@theshorelinejournal.com